Tips to win the Campercontact Awards 2024! | Campercontact Awards 2023
You are the manager of a motorhome site on Campercontact. So who knows, maybe in 2024 you will win a Campercontact Award in your country and category! The winners get extra exposure to over 1 million motorhomers through our newsletter, website and social media. The winners also receive extra (media) attention and promotional material. Will you walk away with an award? That would be great, wouldn't it? But how do you make sure you qualify for this award? We will help you on your way!
Most importantly, your motorhome location should receive as many positive reviews as possible. The winner is determined by the highest rating on the Campercontact platform. So read our tips to easily and quickly collect as many reviews as possible!
Want to increase your chances of winning a coveted award? It's easier than you think! Place a call or banner on your website to encourage visitors to leave a review. And your visitors will benefit too: they will have the chance to win great prizes! Every month we raffle off a cool outdoor gear package and on 1 April we will also give away a brand new Garmin navigation system .
We have already created ready-made banners for you, so you don't have to design them yourself. You can download them here. All you have to do is place the banner in a prominent place on your website and encourage your guests to share their experiences. Do you have a newsletter? Then place an article in it as well.
You can also spread the same banner and link on your social media channels. You can find us on Instagram at @campercontact and on Facebook at @CampercontactOfficial. If you include the following hashtags in your post, we will generate a lot of attention for the Awards and your post. #campercontactawards2024 #leaveareview #motorhomesiteoftheyear.
Is your motorhome season starting again? Then ask each visitor personally if they would like to leave a review on Campercontact. Print out the banner and hang it up at reception. Want to go a step further? Then you can, for example, create an online QR code that takes the visitor directly to your location on Campercontact. This makes it even easier for your visitors to leave a review!
Collecting reviews is important, but making sure these reviews are as positive as possible is just as crucial. Take the feedback visitors leave seriously and try to make improvements wherever possible. For example, if a guest reports that the sanitary facilities were not quite clean, consider this an opportunity for improvement. This way, you strive to constantly get better reviews!
Receiving reviews, both positive and negative, is an essential part of managing an motorhome stopover or campsite. Both positive, neutral and negative reviews constitute valuable insights that you can use to improve your business. Every feedback is an opportunity to learn and grow. Therefore, always thank your visitors for taking the time and effort to write a review.
Then the materials that are going to help you finish as Motorhome Site of the Year 2024. Make sure you use the right banner as we differentiate between campsites and motorhome sites.
Dear motorhome owners,
At [Your Motorhome Place Name], we value your feedback and experiences immensely! Will you help us make our motorhome site even better? Then leave a review on Campercontact and win great prizes! Every month we raffle off a cool outdoor gear package and you can win a brand new Garmin navigation system with your review;
And there's even more to win...🏆 If [Your Motorhome Site Name] is rated excellent on the Campercontact platform, we have a chance to win a Campercontact Award 2024.
How do you post a review?
Thanks for your help!
[Your Motorhome Site Name or First and Last Name]