Motorhoming in times of COVID-19

COVID-19, or the coronavirus, has a great impact on our daily lives. Also on the life of the motorhomer and his/her travel plans. Governments are taking various restrictive measures to prevent the spread of the virus and protect lives. The situation changes frequently and rapidly, and each government's response differs.

How do you know if a country is safe to visit with your motorhome and what the local rules are? We have a suggestion! For a clear overview we refer you to the app or the website of Re-open EU. You can download the app from the App store (iOS) or the Google Play store (Android). Here you will find information about, among other things:

  • the current colour code of that country
  • the measures in place in that particular country, including quarantine and testing requirements for travellers
  • any mandatory travel documentation

You can either look up the measures for each country or enter your complete travel plan including transit countries and all the necessary information will appear. This information can help you plan your motorhome trip across Europe and stay safe and healthy at the same time. In addition, don't forget to check what travel restrictions are imposed by the government of the country you live in.

Below an example of the search functionality offered by Re-open EU. To visit their website click on the button above.

tool Re-upen EU
Source: Re-open EU

Searching motorhome sites on Campercontact in times of COVID-19

In these turbulent times site managers do not change their opening hours on Campercontact with every change. Are you looking for an overnight stay in the Campercontact app or at and do you want to know if the location is open or closed? Please refer to the information tab of the specific site or in the app. With this information you can contact the location itself to check whether it is open or closed at the time of your expected visit.

Important: take your own responsibility: stay at home in case of symptoms and get tested. In addition, stick to the rules at all times, travel safely and stay healthy!