Nominees Campercontact Awards announced

The nominees of the Campercontact Awards are now known. Overnight locations for motorhome owners at motorhome stopovers or campsites are competing for the title of Motorhome Site of the Year 2023 or Campsite of the Year 2023.

Sites in six countries are taking part in the election: the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. The nominees have been selected based on the highest average ratings by Campercontact users in 2022. In the selection of the nominees, the total number of reviews in 2022 was considered in addition to the rating.

Voting until April 16th

You can vote for the nominated campsites and motorhome stopovers until April 16th. In each of the six countries, you can cast one vote for a motorhome stopover and one for a campsite suitable for motorhomes. In April, Campercontact will announce which locations in the six countries may bear the titles Motorhome Site of the Year 2023 and Campsite of the Year 2023.